Hari ni hari raya yang ke 6 (hari ke 18 after Apek kena stroke)... my wife and I decided to go to Ipoh to visit our friend Apek for the 2nd time. Before we go, I called up his wife (019-5102525 - Apek HP number BTW)...tanya ada kat rumah ka? She said "ya.. ada kat rumah... doctor kasi cuti dekat Apek raya kat rumah..!"
So, we moved out and reached his house about ~5pm. His wife mom and anak sulong dia (girl 6yrs old) opened up the gate for us. Then, Quzaimah (pardon me if wrong spelling) came and greet us.
We all masuk dalam rumah, kasi salam... tengok Apek senyum saja... nampak macam dia syok saja we all came..! Salam dengan tangan kiri dia...dia genggam erat tangan aku...! Alhamdulliah nampak dia ok...kurus sikit... but his wife cakap... dia still ada selera nak makan... thats good! Aku pegang tangan kanan dia... a bit "lembut" maybe because the muscles "stop working" so things jadi a bit how to say... a bit "lembik". Dia pun bole respond bila cakap... cuma the words just tak bole came out lagi...anyway we still can understood..
We chit-chat... dia hold my camera (dia pun minat SLR)... aku tanya dia bila nak bole pi "photography outing" (dulu aku ajak... dia selalu cakap tak dan..) dia senyum saja..! aku tengok gambar yg dia letak dekat TV dia.... aku jadi trajis sikit... he said that were his latest pictures with the family (vacation photos maybe..) before the "incident".... Damn.. dalam hati aku....!
Then, aku tengok kaki dia bengkak (u guys can see in the pic..) actually bengkak start dari peha dia, Quzaimah cakap..bengkak tu dah kurang lepas urut..kalu tak bengkak tu keras... but now lembut dah... apek dah start mengurut dgn orang dari Darul Syifa. Aku cakap dekat Apek... be strong... whatever treatment kena carry on don't stop...yes things might not change just like that but who knows miracle can happened! So..friends, please..please... keep on pray for him... and again kalu ada kelapangan, go and visit him. His wife said, raya ni banyak kawan2 dia mai... office la, ITM dulu la... Bobok and family from Sabah pun mai.
Aku teringat dekat Sofee, maybe dia bole kasi semangat dekat Apek since dia ada experience with all these. So, untuk Piee... if you read this, please call up Apek, kasi semangat dekat dia..! We all can give semangat dekat dia but I believed the words that come out from you will be better..!!!
Ok...I think thats it for now... we plan nak visit him again somewhere in November... Insyaallah.
Last words.... "Jom ramai2 kita doakan Apek..!"
Thanks Ari & wife. InsyaAllah nanti kami akan pi tengok frm KL.
No problem Art... tanggongjawab social... kita kena sama2 membantu.
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