Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Working Cycle....

Arrggghh.... a lot of ARs need to be completed..! New boss new style...! Just 1 week... tasks coming in like "BAN (tali air)" pecah....! Boss lama dah "chaloo" .... In our last meeting...he said "I have achieved my target... in fact earlier!" The best statement ataupun kata2 pujanga ialah which I captured....
If I choose to work is because I want to work...not because I have to work
Hmmm... bila la I'm going to be like that..! Maybe someday... maybe at the age of 50 or ... kerja sampai mati... hahaha...!

Intipati which can be rumuskan.... you have to or you got to have a target in your life... macam performance review or focal review to check and balance back what you need... have you achieved it or not?

End of the day... you decide.... its your LIFE !!

Note: Pictures taken using Canon IXUS100is


Unknown said...

i wish i can easily say that too..."If I choose to work is because I want to work...not because I have to work".

--iffil-- said...

comeybelako.... boss2, termasuk LK dah tau i ada blog... wuarrghh... rasa telanjang bogey nih...

kalau depa masuk blog i, sudah tentu depa dpt link2 membe yg lain :'(

dehantu said...

Alamak problem!!! Tak bole cerita merapu2 dah!!!

Unknown said...

why should we worry for being ourselves? unless we are pretending ....

iffil...tulis diary la bro...no one will read it. only YOU. :)

--iffil-- said...

comeybelako, amboi... lazzzer. maybe i'm just not used to the idea of mixing work and personal life. sorry if i sound irritating to you.

Unknown said...

hahaha...lazzer no. tak pe, i tak rasa itu irritating me. i am the very open. itu lah uniquenya ciptaan Allah swt - we look at things from various perspective and we should appreciate the difference of us.

i nak masuk kapai baru dah. tak kacau you dah :) and again Maaf Banyak2. With good intention, I have make you uncomfortable. Million sorry.