Wow...! It has been awhile since my last post. The last post dated May 2011...dah setahun lebih tu! Dalam time yg berlalu nih macam-macam peristiwa yg berlaku... Macam-macam...!
Dunia ni penuh dengan kesibukan...termasuk la aku yang kerdil (physically bukanlah kerdil) nih! Dunia bukan saja sibuk...tapi jugak berubah. In term of technology, setahun yg lalu, org jalan2 bawa notebook which we so call a "portable" device pasai dia kecik dari normal laptop... Tapi along the way, manusia relies yg they have to carry together power cord...maka ramai lah orang berebut-rebut pi kedai mamak nak duduk dekat wall plug! Updating their facebook and minum segelas teh tarik berjam-jam! Kemudian new ERA or new segment introduced by apple...the iPad..Which bole buat apa yg kita bole buat dengan laptop or notebook.. Update facebook dan....update facebook! Well not only that la..semua bole buat laa - games, baca news, browsing dan macam-macam lagi! With all that the power still can last easily 5-8hours... So apa lagi "so loong la laptop or notebook"... You are not portable enough!
Now everywhere orang carry tablet macam-macam jenis! Aku sendiri dah ada 3 biji iPad (iPad 1, iPad 2, the latest one iPad mini). YAA... iPad mini which is the latest iPad now in Malaysia...! Nak cerita pasai benda nih saja bole 1 hari! Nanti bila-bila kita sembang pasai ni pulak.
So...macam diceritakan tadi... Dunia banyak berubah dalam tanpa kita sedari...dalam berjalanan itu... Kita pun turun berubah. Cuma kena pesan disini (especially untuk aku) when we look we changed? Do we changed to a bad one or a good one? well soalan nih kena tanya kepada diri sendiri. Kena duduk diam-diam think back.... Do I make any changes to myself?
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